About Us

Penberthy Insurance & Mortgage Brokers (Penberthy) is a privately owned Financial Services firm who has provided business, personal, medical, lending and specialist insurance products to our clients throughout New Zealand for more than 40 years. 

Penberthy has been founded on the fundamentals of building long term relationships with our clients, insurers and lenders so we can provide expert industry advice in a personalised and professional manner.

Insurance brokers are advisors, and Penberthy acknowledges that clients must have confidence in the people and the company they choose as their professional advisors.

We appreciate that the ‘front end’ of Financial Services is a vital part of business delivery, as is the surety of identifying and providing the most appropriate advice and protection. 

Penberthy is owned and managed by the Directors who work within the business and are involved directly in providing advice and service to our clients. We are proud of being a New Zealand business and support our local community whilst still being able to offer comprehensive options and professional advice required.

Introducing our Board Members

Ben Langdon


Sharon Hunter


Richard Penberthy


BCom, DipCom, CA, FSP 77783

Initially an accountant in the commercial sector, Richard found the corporate world wasn’t for him – he says that he’s too blunt. Add to that his desire to be in a small business and hey presto – Richard is a daily decision maker affecting his staff and clients for the better.

“Delivering truly exceptional client experiences require everyone on the team to be on board with day-to-day operations. It’s not a catch-phrase that you simply tell staff they need to live up to; it has to be supported by process and procedure designed to help deliver the best experience for clients.”
Our clients range from one-man-bands through to 300+ companies – and I know them. Trust is underestimated and Richard has built this over time – so much so, that his reputation precedes him.

Richard has a problem solving mentality and is confident in asking the hard questions up front. It’s easy to be wise after the event, but time machines don’t exist just yet. The team at Penberthy will cover all risks and exposures, give advice and make recommendations. It’s important to mitigate the circumstances and get it right the first time – sometimes there isn’t a second chance.

“Often you can’t tell what you’ve purchased until you need it; it is after all a piece of paper – a solution to a future problem. And when those problems arise, we are you ally and your advocate.”
In his spare time Richard coaches’ rugby (must be a family thing), he’s just always been into it and once a friend asked him to help out, that was it, he was addicted.

Insurance will often creep into Richard’s personal life too – the bad stuff doesn’t happen just between nine and five you know. It was Christmas day and Richard was sipping champagne in the Coromandel… bliss. His phone rang and he answered – being a good broker means being available – his client had come home to find a car in his house, it had crashed through the wall. Richard told him to go and stay in a motel and then he went and saw him on Boxing Day. They had a laugh and got it all sorted – a perfect example of the lengths Penberthy will go to.

Ask him for a piece of advice and the cheeky answer is to do your homework and listen to your parents. Delve a little deeper though you’ll find a very driven and motivated man. He works hard
so that he can have adventure making memories, in summation that equates to working hard and
living a good life.

Phone: (09) 486 1175
Mobile: 021 702 875
Email Richard here
Click here to view Richard’s Disclosure Statement

John Penberthy


John is a qualified engineer and worked on some major infrastructures. So how did he end up at Penberthy? He jokes that his Dad told him to! He enjoys seeing his family every day and working with such a variety of people. His grandfather Arthur used to come in everyday and chat with clients – he lived to the ripe old age of 97! So there must be some kind of life-extending secret in working with family and knowing clients personally.

John loves what he does, he’s passionate about insurance. Winston Churchill claimed that it’s the greatest thing ever invented! An expert in the area of life and health insurance, John deals with planning for the worst. The thing is, you can see it through and through when he talks about what he does – he genuinely cares and wants to make sure that he can go in to bat for you when things go wrong.

“Designing the best cover possible for clients relies heavily on developing a good relationship. There is a myriad of information needed and the greater the transparency, the greater our ability to assess the best mix of insurance components. With this process we ensure value for money and appropriately designed protection for our clients.”
An avid sportsman, coaching rugby three times a week during winter means that John gets his ‘kick’. He likes working with people and claims that is what life is all about – making improvements, helping people, having an influence and seeing them grow.

Cricket was also on the list of activities, now that time is replaced with family time. He used to think that people who just talked about their kids all the time were boring, but now that he has his own, he completely gets it. His son brings him a lot of joy, especially when it’s been a bad day at work.

John enjoys people and likes to make certain that when bad stuff happens, he can make the blow less painful. All he asks is that people just talk honestly about their situation so that he can work out a best case scenario from a worst case scenario.

Phone: (09) 486 1175
Mobile: 021 404 567
Email John here
Click here to view John’s Disclosure Statement

Mark Penberthy


After fifteen years of the corporate world, Mark was over it. Too many regulations and ticking the box just for the sake of ticking the box, he felt that he spent half his time answering to “the man” rather than giving that time to his clients. So came time for him to jump ship and join the family business.

When you ask Mark what he does, he doesn’t like the label “broker”. He is one of the risk and mortgage brokers at Penberthy and you can tell that he’s really passionate about it – he would prefer his label to be “helper of people” because essentially it’s what he does.

Along that extra mile, Mark finds that it’s a lonely road and often – in the world of mortgages – he’s the only one on it. He’s genuine and sincere and wants to make an absolute point of not being lumped in with others who are just after the sale. The reward is getting to know his clients and seeing the appreciation in their eyes when he’s done his job and taken care of everything.

Ask him about his personal life and his demeanour doesn’t change. He paints himself as similar to his Dad – Bruce – and admires that he’s built the business on people.

“I don’t work nine to five, it’s 24/7. I’m always thinking about the peripherals in my clients’ lives.”
Mark reckons his greatest accomplishments include finishing a university degree (in commerce and marketing management) because he’s not a natural fit to the education system. He also enjoys proving people wrong – case in point; running a marathon without training because someone said he couldn’t… and he did it in 3:38!

The three things he wishes someone had told him;

Live life – you don’t know when it’s going to be gone
Enjoy life – make people smile, it’s makes the world a better place
It’s the simple things – enjoy the sun when it shines and the puddles in the rain
Phone: (09) 486 1175
Mobile: 021 771 906
Email Mark here
Click here to view Mark’s Disclosure Statement

Penberthy have a Board of Directors that is made up of our 3 executive and 2 non-executive Directors. The Boards focus is maintaining and promoting strong governance principles, strategic direction and a sustainable growth model.

Being a responsible corporate citizen is at the core of our Boards philosophy and underpins all our strategic decisions. We are very proud of being a privately owned and managed New Zealand company.

Our Affiliations

We recognise the importance of being members of professional associations in our sector. Some of our memberships and affiliations are listed below.





Penberthy Insurance are one of the founding members of Insurance Advisernet, a national network of independent insurance brokers who’s collective buying power enables us to negotiate excellent rates and exclusive insurance solutions from many of New Zealand’s largest insurance companies, for the benefit of our clients.

For more information about Insurance Advisernet go to www.insuranceadvisernet.co.nz

The Insurance Brokers Association of New Zealand Inc. (IBANZ) is New Zealand’s professional body representing the interests of fire and general insurance brokers, risk managers and consumers in New Zealand.

IBANZ is the voice of the industry, advising members, government, consumer groups and other stakeholders on key insurance issues. The organisation also provides training, technical advice, guidance on regulation and business support. Their role is to raise, and maintain, standards.

As a member we embrace the strict standards of conduct, professionalism, and practice required by IBANZ.

For more information about IBANZ go to www.ibanz.co.nz

Under the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008, all individuals that are providing advice about Fire & General Insurance Products, or risk related Life Insurance are required to be registered and have an approved external dispute resolution provider.

Penberthy Insurance together with Insurance Advisernet have chosen Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL) to be our provider.

For more information about FSCL go to www.fscl.org.nz

Penberthy Insurance are members of The Adviser Platform (TAP).  TAP is a full service platform that gives our Advisers all the tools and support they need to operate a successful independent business. Over and above this, TAP provides a managed admin and compliance support.

For more information, visit www.tapnz.co.nz

Get in touch or come meet us over a coffee.

Phone: 0800 736 237

Physical Address:

1 The Strand, Unit G2, Takapuna
(we are behind Seven Hills Café)

Call Now - 0800 736 237